Detoxifying Raw Vegan Spinach Dressing



  • This nutrient-dense, antioxidant- rich leafy green, Spinach, contains carotenoids and flavonoids, proven to provide protection against damaging free radicals.
  • Contains fiber, which helps with weight regulation by keeping you full.
  • Contains Allium, which is protective against oxidative damage, it slows down oxidative stress in those with high blood pressure.
  • Contains Chromium, which supports the regulation of blood sugar.
  • Alkalizes the body
  • Helps in digestion. Aides in the production of saliva, which is important for excellent digestion (also prevents bad breath).
  • Effective against Heart Disease. Lowers the levels of HDL-Cholesterol, which plays a protective role and prevents the formation of fatty patches, thus stimulating the elimination of the low density lipoproteins.
  • Full of vitamins: A (skin health),  B2 (red blood cell production), C (beauty-Enhances youthful skin and gorgeous hair), K.



  • 3 cloves Garlic, chopped
  • 1/4 cup Onion, chopped
  • Squeeze of 1/2 Lemon
  • Sprinkle of Cayenne
  • 5 Celery stocks, chopped
  • 1 Spray of Braggs
  • 1 tsp Wheatfree Organic Tamari or Shoyu
  • 3 handfuls of Spinach
  • 1 cup Fermented Coconut Yogurt (I used Cocoyo Living Coconut Yogurt Pure, and you can add more to make it creamier)
  • 2 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar


1. Chop up Garlic, Onion, and Celery

2. Add all ingredients in blender

3. Squeeze in some Lemon.

4. Blend.

5. Top dressing on a salad or dish.




  • Trader Joe’s Healthy8 Chopped Salad Mix
  • Seasonings: Garlic, Herbs de Provence, Cayenne Pepper, and Nutritional Yeast
  • Squeeze of Lemon & 1 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Eden Spicy Pumpkin Seeds
  • and our Detoxifying Spinach Dressing, of course!







Memory is like a human computerized filing cabinet that contains everything that we have learned and experienced. It stores so much information, and its crucial to be able to retain knowlege for everyday life and skills. For anyone who is in school, or studying for a very important exam and even  out in real life, especially when we get older, we must keep our filing system in our brain fresh and healthy. The brain is one of the most important organs in the body. We need it to live, thrive and function for everyday life. When we don’t care for our brain as well as we should, it can perform poorly, then also deteriorate.  I have done some research on ways to imporove memory as I was preparing for the most important exam of my life, the state board exam to become an LVN. It is so crucial to keep your mind and soul health.  This  is what I have collected on my venture to passing my exam!


Avoid Sugar
High Blood Sugar Levels are linked to memory loss.
New research suggests that people with high blood sugar levels, even those who do not have diabetes, may have an increased risk for developing cognitive impairment. This is according to a study published in the journal of Neurology. Clinically, even if your blood sugar levels are ‘normal,’ lower blood sugar levels are better for your brain in the long run with regard to memory functions as well as memory-relevant brain structures like the hippocampus. Consume a diet rich in fiber, vegetables, protein, healthy fats and whole-grain products, and undertake physical activity on a regular basis. Choose fruit over candy, and raw chocolate/cacao over sugary, conventional chocolate. Fruit has antioxidants that protect the brain cells from damage and raw chocolates are natural anti-depressants and lowers anxiety.


Scientific Studies have shown that these high antioxidant berries, which contain flavonoids boost cognition results in the brain mainly between flavonoids and proteins complementary to brain-cell structure and function. Blueberries also delay neurological decline and protect delicate brain structures against oxidative damage.
Anthocyanins, a chemical compound found in Blueberries, improves function of brain cells, with corresponding behavioral improvements.
A blueberry-enriched diet has been shown to protect against loss of brain cells seen with different types of brain injury and aging, as well as against associated impairments in memory, learning, and coordination.
A study involving older adults, consuming blueberries everyday for 12 weeks was enough to improve scores on two different cognitive tests of cognitive function, including memory. The authors of this study were enthused by the results and proposed that blueberries might turn out to be beneficial not only for correcting memory, but for slowing down the onset of other cognitive problems connected to the aging process.


Coconut Oil + Coffee
Otherwise, “Smart Coffee,” Rocket Fuel or “Bulletproof Coffee”-without the grass fed butter. Coconut Oil is mostly made of Medium Chain Fatty Acids. These are processed immediately  by the liver, lessening the need for glucose production and not allowing the fat to be stored. When Medium Chain Fatty Acids are processed by the liver, they also produce ketones, which can be used by most cells in the  body for energy, especially in the brain.
As we age, our brain’s ability to metabolize glucose for energy declines, especially for those who have metabolic disorder or insulin resistance. But MCT-created ketones can be used as cellular fuel in the brain when glucose is not available.
A 2004 study was published in ‘Neurobiology of Aging’ journal, determining coconut oil MCT’s improved cognitive function amount in an elder group with memory problems as well as Alzheimer’s disease. Twenty elder subjects were fed either coconut oil or placebos on different days. Some of the Alzheimer’s group had excelled scoring on the special Alzheimer’s cognitive rating scale- all of them demonstrated better portion recall soon after consuming each dose of coconut oil. And this study wasn’t spread out for a long period of time either because the elderly group had gotten immediate positive results from only a single dose of coconut oil correlated to placebos.
Another story in 2009-10 is MD Mary Newport’s husband who was deteriorating from Alzheimer’s so terribly he couldn’t perform daily functions without being micromanaged. When she fed him coconut oil, he began making a remarkable comeback from almost total dementia to being able to start and finish tasks and remember people and events. MD Mary Newport found Coconut Oil as a successful dementia food medicine without side effects that normally pharmaceutical drugs would possess.
Onto the subject of coffee- A study published in 2015 evaluated 1,445 people-scientists found that consistently sipping one to two cups of coffee each day is associated with a significant reduction in the risk of mild cognitive impairment, which is a precursor to dementia and Alzheimer’s- in comparison to those who never or rarely consumed coffee. This shows that caffeine may have a neuroprotective effect.
One other simple note is that coffee is a dynamic psychoactive stimulant. Scientists say that, “Caffiene could in part compensate the cognitive decline in older individuals because it’s effect on vigilance and attention mainly in situation of reduced alertness.”
How do these two come into play together?
Drinking Bulletproof coffee at least 30 minutes or even an hour before breakfast provides the body with healthy fats that are to improve mental function, slow down the effects of caffeine entering the blood stream (it benefits blood sugar) and will jumpstart your digestion before food is consumed. If consumed with a meal, the fats will more likely upset the stomach and may not get the same brain boosting benefits.
All you have to do is start the day with coffee blended with coconut oil and coconut milk/cream, and you have an all Natural Latte!


Vitamin B12 & Folate
Vitamin B12 in combination with Folic Acid helps maintain memory.
Vitamin B12 plays an essential role in red blood cell formation, cell metabolism, and nerve function. Vitamin B-12 supplements do help people with a deficiency.  Vitamin B12 is also more common in those with certain conditions, like digestive problems and some types of anemia. Low vitamin B12 can cause fatigue, weakness, memory loss, and other problems with the nervous system. B12 is also in food items like Sprouted Multigrain Bread, Fortified Cereals, Nutritional Yeast, Soy/ Tofu, Sea Veggies such as Seaweed, Algae, and especially Spirulina.
Numerous Studies have determined that high levels of Folate may assist in warding off cognitive decline and improve mental sharpness for memory as well as mental processing speed.
Folate is basically in whole foods, such as Dark Leafy Greens, Asparagus, Broccoli, Citrus Fruits, Beans & Lentils, Avocado, Brussel Sprouts, Seeds & Nuts, Cauliflower, Celery, Carrot, Squash.


Embrace Self-Care
“I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”-John 10:10
Nurses benefit by taking care of others, but not beneficial about taking care of ourselves. Remind any student, to try to take  care of yourself. You’re going to be stressed. There is going to be a lot of studying. Find a way to de-stress, whether its yoga, some type of exercise, getting your sleep, eating well. Plan some type of de-stressful exercise during the week. Just like brushing your teeth, and washing your face, we must also take care of our mind. Our mind is so useful in many situations, we must maintain calmness so we don’t go totally mental.


Mental & Physical Exercise
You only have one brain, composed with the same neurons that you were born with, plus a few added to some narrowly specific areas. Once they begun to deteriorate, they can be saved and even made stronger. There was a study in the 1960’s with two groups of lab rats. The first group was basically locked away in a security prison. They had food to keep them alive from day to day, but their brains received little stimulation. There were no rat games, puzzles, or rat get togethers to break boredom. The second group was basically in a version of rat school, complete with recess. They had toys and balls for play, challenging mazes to explore, exercise equipment to get the blood pumping to their muscles and neurons, and the best of all, they had other rats to share these experiences with. When they set against the two  in timed  contests, the rats that had lived in the mentally and physically invigorating environment performed much better. The gathered concrete evidence of what goes on in the mind manifests itself in the physical state of the brain. Learning strengthens the organ of the brain just as exercise strengthens muscles in the legs, arms, and abdomen. Old rats, like humans, have brains they can reshape in response to new experiences, a condition known as plasticity.


Gingko Biloba
For thousands of years, leaves from the Ginkgo Biloba tree have been a common treatment in traditional ancient Chinese medicine.  In the U.S., many take Ginkgo supplements in the belief that they will improve memory and sharpen thinking. It has been the most widely prescribed medication by physicians in Germany since 1988.
Gingko is so valuable  for an abundance  of all things! Not only is it good for improving memory, it also improves blood flow to the extremities, aiding in the proper management of stress, and revitalizes the body! Gingko Biloba improves short-term memory, reduces mental fatigue, and promotes fast and accurate thinking.
Gingko enhances memory from the fact that it contains high levels of flavonoids and terpenoids, which are antioxidants that provide protection against oxidative cell damage from harmful free radicals. Ginkgo is also a nootropic agent. Which means that it is useful for enhancing memory and concentration.
A  study in 2001 published in The International Journal of Neuropyschopharmacology, the researchers administered ginkgo extract to 61 healthy study participants. The study was randomized, placebo-controlled and double-blinded to eliminate bias. After 30 days of supplementation with ginkgo, the study subjects were given the same set of standard neuropsychological tests that they took at the start of the trial. The result of this trial showed that the ginkgo extract administered produced statistically significant improvement in working memory, information processing and decision making.
Taking Ginkgo Biloba for memory may be related to the way that cholinesterase inhibitors work. Cholinesterase (AChE) is the enzyme by which acetylcholine is hydrolyzed, or broken down. It essentially works to control levels of acetylcholine in the brain and make sure there is not too much of this neurotransmitter interacting with receptors. But sometimes by interfering with this enzyme, we can increase acetylcholine levels to cause improvements in memory formation, retention and recall. Acetylcholine is the key neurotransmitter involved in basic cognitive function. Ginkgo  maintains choline and acetylcholine in the brain, which in turn promotes healthy growth of neural structures like neurons, and the synaptic connections that form between them. These connections are the base of how memories are formed and accessed.
Because Gingko increases blood circulation to all parts of the body, it also increases blood circulation to the brain, which in turn leads to alertness, speed of thinking, and memory improvement. Some evidence suggests that taking Ginkgo in combination with Panax Ginseng can improve memory better than the herb alone.


Ginseng and Gingko are basically partners in crime!  A 2000 study in Psychopharmacology showed that a combination of Panax Ginseng and Ginko Biloba may help enhance memory. Panax Ginseng is used for improving thinking, concentration, memory and work efficiency.
Panax Ginseng has been examined to be an energizer, normalizer and stress reducer.
It is considered to be an adaptogen. An adaptogen is a plant substance that can increase resistance to stress of any kind, either mental or physical and can invigorate  all parts of the body.
A lot of students take this type of Ginseng (Panax) while studying and taking tests as it is believed to sharpen concentration and memory and make learning new subjects easier.


Get Enough Sleep
We need to sleep to recharge our body and our brain. Lack of adequate sleep disturbs mood, motivation, judgment, and our approach of events. While our body may be resting, our brain is active in converting networks between events, sensory input, feelings, and memories. Therefore, deep sleep is a crucial time for the brain to make memories and links. Animal and human studies propose that the quantity and quality of sleep have a deep impact on learning and memory. A sleep-deprived person cannot focus attention greatly and therefore cannot learn efficiently. Having more proper sleep will help you remember and process things better.
There are three functional terms to describe the exact mechanism between learning and memory. Acquisition assigns the introduction of new information into the brain. Consolidation defines the processes by which a memory becomes stable. Recall describes  the ability to access the information (whether consciously or unconsciously) after it has been stored.
Acquisition and Recall occur only during wakefulness, though research suggests that memory consolidation takes place during sleep through the strengthening of the neural connections that form our memories. Although there is no agreement about how sleep makes this process possible, many researchers think that specific characteristics of brainwaves during different stages of sleep are combined with the formation of particular types of memory.



Sweeney, Michael S.; Green, Cynthia R. Your Best Brain Ever. Washington D.C., 2014. Print.

Why Some Students Aren’t Succeeding in Nursing School


Can Coconut Oil Cure Alzheimer’s Disease?

Bulletproof Coffee Made Vegan: The Why And The How

Photos: Bluberries & Coffee by Suz del Mar

Photos: Suz del Mar (yoga) & Skyler Dennis (running) by Nolan Perry


Healing Face & Body Cream (DIY)

you are your own kind, stay unique 

There are so many chemicals and sketchy ingredients in the products being bought in stores. Beauty stores, Drug Stores, Supermarkets. The lotions, creams, basically most any skin product may have long or/and jumbled components really hard to pronounce, that may mean ‘they are natural,’ or ‘fake/man made chemicals,’ or ‘this came from an animal,’ or even worse, ‘this came from animal bones and feces.’ …..Gross.

Just because a paid well seen human being advertises the product on tv/social media, showing off a “perfect glow” that may have came from really good lighting or talented makeup artists. Some claiming natural ingredients even.

It may just be more awesome to make your own! Plus! These actual natural ingredients are very beneficial for your skin!

Lets talk about it!

Now, these three ingredients exhibit great health benefits! And they are used in a variety of cosmetics, creams, lotions and medicinal formulas in combination with other additives or natural ingredients.

The botanical elements in this healing skin process we are using are:

  • 1/2 cup coconut oil,
  • 1 cup shea butter,
  • 1/2 cup almond oil.

you can use any other substitute if you want, such as olive oil, jojoba oil, or any other healthy organic oil

1. Melt the shea butter and coconut oil together. This can be done either in the top of a double broiler, or out in the sun (on a hot day probably). Whatever you prefer. After it is melted, remove from the heat source and let cool for 30 min.

2. Now you can stir in almond oil and essential oils, or any other skin ingredient you want. Your choice, babe.

3. Wait til oil starts to partially solidify, and put in blender/processor to mix til its a butter-like consistency. Should take a few minutes.

4. Place in a glass jar and enjoy!

5. PS if you are making this in the summer, you can put in fridge for awhile til it becomes solid.


We were supposed to talk about those benefits, right?


Shea Butter contains plant antioxidants, such as Vitamin A & E. These vitamins protect cells from free radicals and environmental damage (pollution is not good for skin).

Coconut Oil contain fatty acids (caprytic and lauric) which reduce inflammation internally and externally, and moisturize, making them a great solution for all types of skin conditions. It protects the skin and has many antioxidants that make it ideal for healing the skin.

Almond Oil contains Vitamin E, which minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It has antioxidative properties, which protects the skin against UV radiation damage and keeping the skin soft and supple.


What else did I use? I personally added Rosewater, which is soothing & protecting & Noni juice, for healing and healthy skin. Also Kate’s Magic Aura mist: Stream of Success/ Cedarwood & Red Mandarin.



Healing Face & Body Cream! Yay! 💕



Read on for more info:

20 Coconut Oil Benefits & Side Effects (#5 is Life Saving)


Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that results in the damage to the optic nerve and vision loss.


Expected reference range for IOP is 10 t0 21 mm/Hg

For eye pressures, a value greater than 21 mm/Hg or 2.8 kPa is often used with higher pressures leading to greater risk.


There are two primary types of Glaucoma:

  • Open-angle Glaucoma
  • Angle-closure Glaucoma

Open-angle glaucoma developes slowly over time and there isn’t any pain.

Closed-angle glaucoma can present gradually or suddenly.


The mechanism of open-angle glaucoma is believed to be the slow exit of aqueous humor through the trabecular mesh work while in closed angle glaucoma the iris blocks the trabecular network.


Risk factors that lead to Glaucoma include:

  • Tumors
  • Diabetes Mellitus


How you can prevent Glaucoma.

Prevent stress in your life.

  • Meditation
  • Yoga

Keep proper blood flow in your body.

  • Exercise regularly

Protect your eyes from the sun. 

  • Wear sunglasses when you go outside.

Keep a balanced diet.

  • Spinach and other leafy greens, rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, both components produced naturally in the eyes.
  • Antioxidants, prevents oxidative stress




Vegan Pancakes!


Vegan Pancakes


1.5 cups Oatmeal

1 cup Almondmilk or Coconutmilk

1 ripe Banana



Blend Oatmeal in blender, blend til it is a flour consistency. Once you have the consistency you like, add in the Almondmilk or Coconutmilk and Banana in blender. Process til it becomes a smooth batter.

Use a non-stick pan or use coconut oil for pan. Flip when you see the bubbles/browning.

And you have pancakes!



Chocolate Sauce- blend 3 dates (pitted, soaked for easier blending), 1 tbsp cacao/cocoa powder, 1-4 tbsp water to adjust consistency.

Banana slices

Coconut flakes




Apple Cider Vinegar


There have been ample loads of information about Apple Cider Vinegar! It has so many unbelievable properties and there are so many outstanding uses for it!

Apple Cider Vinegar has been used as a natural treatment for allergies and has thought to reduce the risk of cancer.

For many centuries, Apple Cider Vinegar was considered the Fountain of Youth! It was commonly consumed as an elixir because of its properties. Many people in this day of age have totally forgotten about it.

In 2014, the JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) published a study where it has been indicated that alternative therapies, such as Apple Cider Vinegar, may be more effective than prescription drugs.

More of the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar include:

  • Preventing flu & stomach illness
  • Balances pH in the body
  • Helps to relieve heartburn, nausea, acid reflux
  • Helps relieve asthma & allergies
  • Helps relieve gout
  • Helps relieve migraines
  • Reduces cholesterol
  • Works well to clear up fungus, bacterial rashes
  • Gets rid of warts
  • Helps reduce/prevent acne


Inspired by & Cite Info from

Terms and Use

Liable Responsibility.

The information that is made available through on here (The Holistic Love) is intended for everyone interested in Holistic Health and Wellbeing. While I hope you find this helpful, you should remember that it is not meant to serve as a substitute for your own clinical judgment as a patient or healthcare professional. For medical concerns, including decisions about medications and other alternative treatments, patients should always consult their doctor or, in serious cases, seek immediate assistance from emergency personnel. The Holistic Love will not offer you any warranty or guarantee related to the services provided. It's your responsibility to evaluate the information given.

With any service provided, everyone, patients, healthcare professionals should practice their own clinical judgment at their own risk. Anyone with any type of medical condition  clearly should be cautioned to seek professional medical advice before beginning any sort of health treatment. The results do not reflect drug interactions or incompatibilities arising from combinations of more than two drugs or treatments at a time.

Everything should be practiced with Love!
Health and Wellbeing is Internal, External, Mental, and Spiritual!
I hope you do find everything written and listed as very helpful and educational!
If there are any questions, you can always write to me here! =)

With Love, Always
Suz, The Holistic Love

Multiple Sclerosis.

Also known as Disseminated Sclerosis. MS is a chronic progressive and degenerative disease characterized by scattered patches of demylinations and glial tissue overgrowth in the white matter of the brain and spinal chord. These structural changes in nerve tissue lead to decreased nerve conduction. As inflammation diminishes, some remylination may occur, and nerve conduction returns.

Among the clinical symptoms associated with MS are:

  • extremity weakness,
  • visual disturbances,
  •  ataxia (involuntary muscle movement coordination),
  •  tremor (shaking movement, also from involuntary muscle contraction),
  • incoordination,
  • sphincter impairment,
  • and impaired position senses.

There isn’t really a definitive diagnostic test, but there are some tests that are used in conjunction for a careful history and physical examinations such Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Visual Al-Evoked Potentials, and Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis. The diagnosis of MS is based on criteria from Revised International Panel on MS Diagnosis (Revised McDonald Criteria). The patient needs to provide a detailed history to assist in accurate diagonosis of MS. Patients may experience symptoms for many months before actually learning they have Multiple Sclerosis. A Magnetic Resonance Imaging test is used to detect the presence of MS plaques. Visual Al-Evoked Potential tests are useful in confirming diagnosis of MS. Demyelination that occurs with MS results in a slowing of response time. Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid is done to detect increased immune cells indicative of MS.

Contact the health care team if urinary symptoms occur, as well as motor, sensory, visual disturbances or exacerbations. Prompt treatment can be initiated when reported early.

Check for unsteady movement, muscle strength, weakness, coordination, balance, and reluctance to attempt movement. Changes in motor weakness are used to assess progression and remission of MS. Consult a physical therapist and occupational therapist for help with assistive or ambulatory devices. Goal for using adaptive devices is to promote safety, increase mobility, prevent falls, and conserve energy.

Assess for visual impairment such as diplopia (double vision), blurred vision, nystagmus (involuntary eye movement), visual loss, scotomas (blind spots), and impaired color perception. This could be linked to Optic Nerve Demylination. Psychological responses to visual loss is also good to recognize such as anger, depression and withdrawal since self esteem is negatively affected. Rest eyes when fatigued since fatigue can afflict in visual problems.

Urinary Retention/Incontinence is a sign of a Neurogenic bladder. A spastic bladder, characterized by frequency and dribbling, or a flaccid bladder in which an absence of sensation to void results in urine retention may be experienced. A bladder training program may be initiated. Suggest the Crede method and intermittant catheterization for residual urine if signs of retention are present. A residual urine greater than 100 mL predisposes the person to UTI’s. Bladder Crede methods stimulate complete emptying of the bladder. Also recommend vitamin C and cranberry juice (best to make your own!) as these nutrients acidify the urine and reduce bacterial growth.

Sensory changes may result in hypoalgesia (decreased sensitivity to painful stimuli), paresthesia (pins and needles feeling in extremities), and loss of position sense. These can lead to trauma, injury, and skin integrity changes. Be aware of extremes in  heat and cold, and prolonged physical pressure, which can lead to injury of the skin.

Natural Treatments

Avoid Alcohol

If alcohol is overused, it will produce multiple effects on the Central Nervous System. Alcohol can be very inflammatory if nerves are already inflamed.

Exercise . Yoga . Tai Chi

Exercise, Yoga and Tai Chi typically is crucial to health and well-being and is advised in easing symptoms of MS

Meditation . Deep Breathing

Meditation and Deep Breathing is definitely recommended!  Techniques such as diaphragmatic breathing, deep breathing, and incentive spirometry exercises can be included in regular exercise, yoga and tai chi.


Stressful events make  MS symptoms worse. Hypnosis is powerful for stress release! Hypnosis in general is powerful! Learn more info  here  on how Hypnosis treats MS

Green Juice . Wheatgrass . Chlorella . Spirulina

Greens boost the immune system. Which in fact is great at keeping the body and pH balanced! Therefore, it will ease auto-immune system attacks. Plus, greens nourish nerves!

Fresh Organic Fruits and Vegetables

People with MS should do a short juice fast for five days. Then consume a plant based diet enriched with organic fruits and vegetables!

Flaxseed Oil

Flaxseeds in general are basically the omega 3 miracle. They fight off Heart Disease and protect against inflammatory illnesses! They prevent degeneration of the cells, nourish and protect myelin nerve sheaths.

Charlotte’s Web Hemp Extract in Coconut Oil

Even though this is considered a Hemp product, you still have to be on the waiting list to have the product available to you. You can sign up  here and learn more about Charlotte’s Web here

Evening Primrose Oil

Totally rich in omega 6! The Arthritis Foundation has listed Evening Primrose Oil as an approach to relieving joint pain, stiffness, and inflammation.


Basically, with good exercise, yoga, tai chi, meditation and deep breathing exercises, you have a much better chance at getting excellent sleep and rest!


I hope this has been a big help for those who have MS, or know people with MS. Even those seeking Alternative Therapies and Medical (Pre) Professionals!


Love Always!




Gulanick, Meg, and Judith L. Myers. Nursing Care Plans: Diagnoses, Interventions, and Outcomes. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby, 2011. Print